Due to COVID19 restrictions the following services may have changed. Please see WEBSITE HOME PAGE FOR UP TO DATE INFORMATION.
Due to COVID19 restrictions the following services may have changed. Please see WEBSITE HOME PAGE FOR UP TO DATE INFORMATION.
1st, 3rd and 5th Week of the month Come and Worship at 11.00, with music, hymns, sermon, readings and prayers.
2nd and 4th Week of the month Parish Communion. All are welcome to receive Communion or come to the altar for a blessing.
Children are very welcome in our church at all times. We have books and toys for them at the back of the church and in our Priory Room at the back of the church to the left.
Please see latest news for information.
For more information about getting married in Church please go to the Church of England’s website which gives lots of information and advice and answers many of the questions you may have. Please contact us via ‘A Church Near You’
There are times in our lives when events overtake us and things may become overwhelming. We may need a little bit of extra support. In these times, we might want someone to walk more closely with us for a while, to listen, pray, and care for us.
You may be in a situation where you would benefit from a home visit and communion at home.
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